Friday, November 5, 2010

USDP take away sample vote that have shared by TNP

USDP organizer U Yai Tun is taking away sample vote that have shared by Ta’ang(Palaung) National Party-TNP. TNP shared this sample vote while they were canvassing that is including sample vote of TNP and the vote that going to use in ballot station.

One of TNP member said they (USDP) organizer’s members took away sample of vote and sample paper and although community member who hold the sample vote ask to give them back, they did not.

“TNP aim that this activity will help voters when they vote and share these samples of vote and paper around Pan Kuu, Man Mao village as well as others villages. Nevertheless, on October eleven one of villager came to KutKai Township TNP office and asked some more sample votes then TNP ask him what happen”

“Yesterday, USDP U Yai Tun came to village and said they want have a look then they do not give it back, in addition to burn all of sample vote and paper. After that, he said you only vote for USDP.
After villager report to TNP that their sample vote and paper have took away by USDP, TNP leader go to USDP and ask them to give back also complain them why they done that but they did not respond any answer.

USDP organizer U Yai Tun has usually go to Ta’ang villages and censure Ta’ang (PaLaung) National Party then organize villagers to vote merely for USDP said villagers.